Study and Research Abroad

Study and Research Abroad

Experience New Perspectives

Let Clarkson be your launching point for a life-changing global experience. Wherever you choose to go, you'll return with an enlightened new perspective of yourself — and the world.

We have formal study abroad partner agreements with numerous colleges and universities in multiple countries. You can spend a semester or a full academic year living and learning in a stimulating and challenging new environment.

Our exchange partners agree to accept Clarkson students who meet the academic policies set in place for the program, which means you don’t have to apply for admission directly to the foreign college or university. An exchange also means that you continue to pay regular Clarkson tuition and receive Clarkson financial aid.

We have 50 partner universities in 26 countries, including:

Contact the International Center

Interested in learning more about Clarkson's study and research abroad programs? Contact the International Center today.

Phone: 315-268-3943
Fax: 315-268-6402

Partner Universities

See the lists below of our partner programs per country.

*Summer Study only

**Research only


Monash University, Melbourne 
University of Newcastle, Newcastle 
RMIT University, Melbourne 
Western Sydney University, Rydalmere


Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Steyr and Wels


Laval University, Quebec City


Ocean University of China, Qingdao**


Northumbria University, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne 
University of Brighton, Brighton 
University of Essex, Colchester 
University of Leicester, Leicester


IÉSEG School of Management, Lille or Paris 
KEDGE Business School, Bordeaux or Marseille 
EM Strasbourg Business School, Strasbourg 
ESSCA School of Management, Angers or Paris 
Grenoble Ecole de Management, Grenoble 
Université Catholique de Lyon ESDES, Lyon 
Université de Technologie de Troyes, Troyes


Konstanz University of Applied Sciences, Konstanz 
Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Mannheim 
SRH Heidelberg, Heidelberg 
University of Mannheim, Mannheim 
Universitat Potsdam, Potsdam

Hong Kong

City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon


ESSCA School of Management, Budapest


University of Galway, Galway


University of Bologna, Bologna** 
Sant'Anna Institute, Sorrento* 
Politecnico di Torino, Turin** 
Sapienza University, Rome**


Kyushu Institute of Technology, Fukuoka**


University of Monterrey, Monterrey 
Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico City


Delft University of Technology, Delft

New Zealand

AUT University, Auckland


Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi


Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh 
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow


Nanyang Technical University, Singapore 
National University of Singapore, Singapore


Comillas Pontifical University, Madrid


Jönkoping University, Jönkoping 
Luleå University of Technology, Luleå


National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan


RMIT University, Ho Chi Minh City


To ensure you have the best study abroad experience possible, we want you to be fully prepared academically. For that reason, we recommend that all study abroad students have a GPA of 2.7 or higher. Please note that some partner programs have their own GPA requirements, which may be higher. We also want to make sure that the classes you take while abroad will count for Clarkson credit and fit the requirements for your major and graduation.

Transfer of Credit

In order to obtain credit for the classes you take while abroad, you will need to do two things to successfully transfer academic credit:

  1. Complete an Off-campus Coursework Permission (OCP) Form for each class you are taking abroad in the myCU forms tab. Your forms will be submitted to SAS, and the appropriate academic departments will review. You will receive confirmation emails regarding the status of your request. Approvals are to ensure credit is transferable and meets your academic requirements. It is wise to have multiple classes approved in case a class is not available upon arrival abroad. A backup plan is always advised!
  2. Request that an official transcript from the partner university be sent to the International Center.

The transcript will be sent to Student Achievement Services (SAS) for processing your credits. If you are missing any OCP forms, your credits will not be recorded. If you do not meet the equivalent of a C grade or better, the credits will not be recorded.

Note: Be sure all outstanding fees at the partner university are paid in full, or your transcript may be withheld.

Should you wish to participate in a study abroad experience that is not with one of our partners during a fall or spring semester, you will need to take a temporary leave of absence (nonmedical) from Clarkson University. This can affect the following:

  • Financial aid.
  • Terms of student loan grace periods.

The Transfer of Credit Policy above will remain the same.

A semester or year abroad should not cost much more than your expenses on campus at Clarkson. If you attend a program through one of our partners, you will:

  • Continue to pay tuition to Clarkson.
  • Pay room and board to the partner university or university-affiliated housing (the amount varies by location and type of accommodations available).

To get a realistic estimate of total costs, you should budget for additional expenses related to studying abroad, such as:

  • Arrival and departure airfare.
  • Food and entertainment.
  • Passport.
  • Travel within the country or region.
  • Visa or residence permit fees (vary by country).

If you receive financial aid at Clarkson, you'll continue to receive aid when studying abroad at an exchange partner university. The award will be applied to your Clarkson tuition, and any remaining funds will be disbursed to you to use toward your expenses abroad. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid to learn more about the process.

Please make sure that all expenses you incur with our exchange partners, such as fees for housing, trips, meal plans, etc., are paid in full. If you have an outstanding balance with the university abroad, your academic transcript will be withheld and not sent to Clarkson. This will result in a delay of your credit transfer and can cause problems when you enroll in future classes.

Keeping in Touch

While abroad, you are expected to check your Clarkson University email on a regular basis.

Ambassador Role – Being a Good Representative

Regardless of how you personally identify yourself, it is important to understand that while you are abroad, you are an ambassador representing both the United States and Clarkson University.

Individuals from the host country may use you as an example of U.S. culture in general and Clarkson students in particular. They may make judgments about U.S. social and professional etiquette. It is important to be respectful and act accordingly at all times. Your actions, both positive and negative, are likely to have long-term repercussions for Clarkson University and future participants.

Be a Good Student

After all, first and foremost, the purpose of your time abroad is to study. Attend all classes, do your homework and show respect to your professors. Show a genuine interest in the host country. Learn as much as you can about the country prior to departure, and continue to ask questions once you arrive.

Stay Positive

Avoid expressing negative opinions or generalizations about the host country. Such statements usually serve only to reveal the ignorance of the speaker. If you are studying in a non-English-speaking country, try to learn as much of the language as possible. If you are studying in an English-speaking country, be sensitive to differences in dialect. Remember that you are the guest in someone's home, school and country. Be respectful and courteous!

Stay Informed

Be well informed about the current events happening in the U.S., in New York and even in your hometown. As you meet new acquaintances and make friends, you will be asked about a variety of issues related to U.S. culture, politics, history, geography and social environments. Educating yourself about U.S. policies and cultural news will enable you to speak eloquently about complex and sometimes controversial topics. This dialogue and exchange will inevitably enhance and enrich your experience and deepen your friendships.

Promote Clarkson

As a current student at Clarkson University, you are one of our most important representatives abroad. During your time abroad, you may be asked to give a presentation about Clarkson University or even to represent the university at a study abroad fair at the partner university.

You have an important role in inspiring prospective exchange students to come to Clarkson. Exchange students contribute to the international profile of Clarkson, which is an important part of making the university one of the best in the world. Remember that the more incoming exchange students we receive, the more students at Clarkson get a chance to go abroad for an exchange. These are several good reasons to market Clarkson while you are abroad!

Post-Trip Evaluation

Once you complete your experience abroad, you will receive an email asking you to complete the Post-Experience Survey in CU Global. This is the final step of your Post-Acceptance Information.

Buddy Program

During your exchange or shortly after it ends, the International Center will email you regarding participation in the Buddy Program. Each semester, we match the former outgoing Clarkson students with new incoming students studying abroad for a semester here at Clarkson.

Study Abroad Fair

You may be asked to represent the program, university or country where you studied abroad at the Study Abroad Fair. You may remember what students said to you at the Study Abroad Fair a couple of years ago to influence your decision to study abroad. Your insights and enthusiasm will be a valuable contribution.

Information Sessions

You may be asked to make a short presentation during Information Sessions to promote the program and/or university where you studied abroad. You have firsthand knowledge and are our best resource! The details and highlights of your experiences really will inspire other students to go abroad themselves.

Pre-Departure Meetings

Pre-departure meetings are a way to connect you with students who are heading abroad next semester. You'll be able to provide advice to outgoing students before their study abroad adventure. We'll try to match you with someone headed to the school and/or country where you studied. This is a great way to share your experiences with someone who will truly benefit from your insights.

Global Ambassador

Many students planning to study abroad want to speak with students who have gone through the process and have lived and studied in a different country. Global Ambassadors respond to emails and provide information and recommendations.

Open Houses

You may be asked to help the International Center with Clarkson's Open Houses for prospective students. Duties involve talking with students and parents to share your experiences about the program.

The Matthew '09 and Briah Marra Study Abroad Award

The Matthew '09 and Briah Marra Award aims to enrich a Clarkson University student's foreign experience through the gift of a transportation stipend. The students that benefit from this fund are encouraged to explore the country of their university, embrace the local culture and network with the people they meet on their adventure. Two awards of $1,000 each are available for each semester. Each award will be used to either purchase $1,000 of Uber credits or be split to purchase $500 of Uber credits and $500 for other transportation expenses at the discretion of the student awardee. Eligible students are emailed details about the application process the semester prior to studying abroad.

Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) Scholarship

The Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) award invests in promising students with financial need who wish to study abroad. Potential applicants who meet the eligibility requirements may participate in any international education program that meets their academic objectives. There are multiple scholarships available.

Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants

Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants are designed to help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad. One-hundred-twenty-five $1,000 grants are awarded each year.

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

The U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship is a grant program that enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, thereby gaining skills critical to our national security and economic competitiveness.

For additional scholarship information or help with scholarship preparation, please contact the International Center.

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